Mrs. Alana Schreiber

Meet Mrs. Alana Schreiber

Positive, patient and passionate, Mrs. Schreiber brings over a decade of elementary school teaching experience in both limudei kodesh and general studies to the classroom. With her background as a Certified Life Coach, a published author, and sought after teacher, she is characterized by her unwavering passion for teaching, a commitment to nurturing the potential within each child, and a perpetually positive demeanor that lights up the classroom.

What I Do

As the  fourth grade girls general studies teacher, I teach them math and language arts. My role involves teaching the curriculum while building essential life skills. My motto for the way I run my classroom is: Firm. Fair. Fun. 

How I Make a Difference

I take immense pride in seeing my students for who they are and valuing their unique qualities over their actions. I  know that every individual possesses distinct experiences and skills, which I leverage to empower my students, encouraging them to aspire to greatness.

My Favorite Part About What I Do

The most rewarding aspect of my work is instilling life skills in my students that will resonate with them well beyond the classroom, shaping the future of my students for years to come.

Parting Words

Having relocated from Manchester, UK, I was drawn to YTCTE by the heartwarming stories I had heard about the Yeshiva and its community.  I always teach my students that mistakes happen to everyone (including teachers). They are tools to help us better ourselves. My goal is to help my students develop and grow into happy, healthy, confident individuals who believe in their abilities and unique potential for greatness.