Rohr Middle School
Igniting the greatness within every student through ruchniyos,
middos and scholarship
At Rohr Middle School (RMS), we find inspiration for excellence everywhere, including our initials! Our students are proud to develop excellence in Ruchniyos, Middos and Scholarship as they continue their journey to become true Bnei Torah. During these very formative years, we support our precious talmidim in the process of self-improvement, while encouraging them to continuously stretch, grow and reach for their full potential. We also offer multi-level shiurim and accelerated math in every grade.
See Ruchniyos, Middos and Scholarship in action
Instilling a love of Hashem and His Torah
Our devoted rebbeim are dedicated to infusing each talmid with a love and passion for Limud HaTorah. In middle school, our students begin developing and refining the complex analytical skills needed to become lamdonim, so they can start to navigate the intellectual depths of the Gemara on the road to becoming talmidei chachomim.
Instilling a love of Hashem and His Torah
Our devoted rebbeim are dedicated to infusing each talmid with a love and passion for Limud HaTorah. In middle school, our students begin developing and refining the complex analytical skills needed to become lamdonim, so they can start to navigate the intellectual depths of the Gemara on the road to becoming talmidei chachomim.
Growing in derech eretz
As our talmidim stand on the brink of teenagehood, we continue the treasured work of shaping them into caring, well-rounded Bnei Torah who are ready to thrive and become an integral part of Klal Yisroel’s future. Throughout the year, each student fills out self-assessments. Then with the help of a Rebbe, who acts as a leadership coach, students choose goals in any area of Ruchniyos, Midos or Scholarship. This support helps students navigate these sometimes challenging years responsibly, with integrity and self-confidence.
Adaptive Learning Tools
Our interactive learning resources adapt to each student’s unique needs and abilities, challenging them to grow and excel.
Advanced Instruction
Accelerated offerings in both Limudei Kodesh and Secular Studies are available for advanced, motivated students. This includes multi-level shiurim and accelerated math courses in every grade.
Adaptative Learning Tools
Our interactive learning resources adapt to each student’s unique needs and abilities, challenging them to grow and excel.
Advanced Instruction
Limudei Kodesh enrichment and Accelerated Secular Studies courses are available for advanced, motivated students.
ACE Resource Room
We provide students with the support they need to master the classroom curriculum.
Adaptive Learning Tools
Our interactive learning resources adapt to each student’s unique needs and abilities, challenging them to grow and excel.
Advanced Instruction
Accelerated offerings in both Limudei Kodesh and Secular Studies are available for advanced, motivated students. This includes multi-level shiurim and accelerated math courses in every grade.
Remedial Tracks + Tutoring
A select number of spots are available for Limudei Kodesh tutoring. We also provide students with the support they need to master the classroom curriculum in Math and English Language Arts.
Remedial Tracks + Tutoring
A select number of spots are available for Limudei Kodesh tutoring. We also provide students with the support they need to master the classroom curriculum in Math and English Language Arts.
Adaptative Learning Tools
Our interactive learning resources adapt to each student’s unique needs and abilities, challenging them to grow and excel.
Advanced Instruction
Accelerated offerings in both Limudei Kodesh and Secular Studies are available for advanced, motivated students. This includes multi-level shiurim and accelerated math courses in every grade.
Remedial Tracks + Tutoring
A select number of spots are available for Limudei Kodesh tutoring. We also provide students with the support they need to master the classroom curriculum in Math and English Language Arts.
The thrill of discovery
Invaluable life skills come from trying new things, which is why we encourage students to explore their interests. Students can continue building valuable social, academic and leadership skills with a variety of exciting, interesting activities outside the classroom. RMS co-curriculars include everything from Mishmar in the Morning and RMS Torah Cards to orchestra and auto mechanics.
Adaptative Learning Tools
Advanced Instruction
Limudei Kodesh enrichment and Accelerated Secular Studies courses are available for advanced, motivated students
ACE Resource Room
We provide students with the support they need to master the classroom curriculum
Parents - we’re here for you!
There are more distractions and hazards than ever on the road to raising children defined by their yiras shamayim, middos tovos and chesed. But at YTCTE, we’ll be here for you every step of the way. From parenting classes and weekly newsletters to guest speakers and a listening ear, we provide you with the resources, guidance and support you need.