Coach Jose Ferreira

Meet Coach Jose Ferreira

A coach in every sense of the word, Coach Jose Ferreira not only teaches the necessary skills to play a sport well, he brings positivity and heart to the athletic field.  With his many years of experience as a sports player, coach, and motivational speaker, Coach Ferreira is able to encourage his students to recognize and develop their innate strengths,  and to become true team players.

What I Do

I am the Athletic Director, teacher, and coach for the boys middle school.  My role includes teaching P.E. as well as developing a strong school sports program and working to ignite the greatness within each and every one of our students. I want to see every student walk away with a high level of confidence and the readiness to take on any challenge.

How I Make a Difference at YTCTE  

I am passionate about teaching and coaching and bring an enormous amount of energy and a positive attitude.  My mindset is always focused on the good and on motivating the people around me to see the good in themselves and in others as well.  

My Favorite Part about What I Do

The smiles, the joy, the confidence that my students leave my class with each and every day is the greatest reward. The excitement in my job is really the knowledge that what I do today will make an impact on my students. We are truly building today’s students for tomorrow’s future.

Parting Words

After browsing through the YTCTE website, watching the videos, and reading through the mission statement and the goals of reaching every student, I felt that this was the warm, caring, and enthusiastic environment that I wanted to be a part of.