Ytcte’s (Miami Private Jewish School) campuses are Re-opening!
Safety plans and protocols for the 2020-2021 school year
First day Yeshiva, for all divisions, is scheduled to begin on campus, Thursday, August 20, 2020, א’ ראש חדש אלול תש”פ.
Re-opening plans are subject to change as additional information becomes available, new guidelines are is-sued, and if federal, state, and/or local governments issue orders that require school compliance.
We recognize that many of our families may require different alternatives at that time, so we have developed the following re-entry options:
Option 1
On-campus learning
Students begin the 2020-2021 school year on campus, having met all of our Yeshiva’s health and safety protocols.
Option 2
Blended learning
Students can begin the 2020-2021 school year online with live zoom instruction and then can transition to on campus learning once the family and the Yeshiva agree that it is safe for the individual family to return.
On-campus protocols
1. Enhanced cleaning and sanitizing protocols throughout both campuses
2. Testing and/or screening for students, faculty, and staff
3. Student/staff masks will be encouraged, and at times required when indicated by school protocols
4. Lunch will be self-contained within each division with indoor and outdoor seating areas
5. Classrooms will be equipped with the necessary technology to enable distance learning for students cannot be there in person
6. Quarantining of an ill student will follow appropriate medical guidelines and protocols
7. parents and visitors will not be permitted on campus beyond the carpool line
8. if a family chooses the blended learning option, Yeshiva Chromebooks will be available
9. Teachers/Rebbeim will transition from class to class rather than students (where feasible)
10. Bus transportation will be offered in accordance with state and country guidelines
If you have any questions, please contact our admission office.