Mrs. Carol Fried

Meet Mrs. Carol Fried

Over the past 40 years, Mrs. Fried has mastered the art of connecting with her students and creating lifelong learners. She keeps an open dialogue with students and parents at all times, striving to understand every child and their needs, and then coaching them toward academic and social success.

What I do

I make learning not only attainable, but fun and relevant, for every one of my students. I try to bring Tanach to life for them. We do a lot of character analysis because that’s how we learn from our Avos and Imahos.

How I make a difference at YTCTE

I know if I’m a happy, positive role model who is excited about Yiddishkeit and learning, it’s bound to make a difference. Even a smile to a child who isn’t my student might get them out of a rut. I also take pride in really knowing my girls, meeting them where their abilities are, and then prompting them to reach even higher.

My favorite part about what I do

I feel that it is a zechus to be able to be involved in chinuch habanos. I love working with my girls and helping them develop their own personal relationship with Hashem. I love conveying my belief in the abilities of these precious neshamos, and I love helping them grow in Torah by providing a positive and enjoyable experience.

Parting Words

YTCTE is a growth-oriented school, with an eye always looking towards the future. It’s an exciting place to spend my day!