Mrs. Rachel Mendoza

Meet Mrs. Rachel Mendoza

Creative, kind and highly organized, Mrs. Mendoza is beloved by students, staff and parents for her ability to offer support, wherever and whenever needed. She helps create an inviting classroom that children are excited to walk into every day.

What I do

I help the head teacher with anything she needs support in: lessons, activities, classroom set-up, bulletin boards, playtime supervision, snack time and more. I also help the children adjust to any situations that may arise during the school day.

How I make a difference at YTCTE

I go above and beyond to create a warm, fun and positive learning environment for every child under my care. I want my students to get excited about all the different units we explore. And I take pride in everything I do, including maintaining a well-kept classroom.

My favorite part about what I do

When former students (and their parents!) come back to share positive feedback about their experience in my classroom.

Parting Words

I want to help infuse children with a lifelong love for learning, reading and writing. YTCTE is the perfect place to do that. I joined after subbing here, because the warmth, energy and culture of the school are unmatched.