Meet Mrs. Natali Djmal
Full of energy and determination, Mrs. Djmal thrives when it is busy. And when isn’t it? Educated and skilled in business management, she is an expert at keeping things organized and making sure each project or task is completed quickly and completely. Mrs. Djmal’s ever present smile confirms that she is not one to get frazzled or shy away from the task at hand.
What I do
As Rabbi Bernstein’s executive assistant, my primary responsibility is to keep everything organized so that he can be as efficient and effective as possible. As the Yeshiva grows, it is my job to keep track of his many projects and obligations (of which there are many!) and see them through to completion.
How I make a difference at YTCTE
I help the Yeshiva and the CFO grow in an organized and efficient manner. I love checking things off the ever-growing to do list.
My favorite part about what I do
The most rewarding part of my job is the end result! When I work hard, challenge myself and then see something through to its conclusion, I know I succeeded and truly helped the Yeshiva. What could be better?
Parting Words
My life’s mission is to continue my personal spiritual growth with my family and friends. It seems only natural, therefore, to work for the Yeshiva that educates my own children and help it grow too.