Mrs. Meredith Garfinkle

Meet Mrs. Meredith Garfinkle 

Mrs. Garfinkle’s love for small children is evident to all, making her the ideal teacher’s assistant for early childhood. Her flexible nature and willingness to do whatever is needed helps ensure that the classroom runs smoothly, efficiently, and most importantly, calmly. 

What I do

I assist the Morah in the classroom, in whatever way possible, to help her and our yummy children succeed. 

How I make a difference at YTCTE

By sharing my input and ideas with such receptive colleagues, I feel I make a difference, not only  in my classroom, but for the Yeshiva as well.

My favorite part about what I do

I love making learning fun, seeing my young students succeed and working with such a friendly team.

Parting Words

Being flexible and caring is what fuels success.