Pilpul Shiur On The Beginning of Perek Hakoneis in Bava Kama
Understanding the P’tur from Tashlumin assuming «Mamoncha» as the Sibas Ham’chayev of Nezikin
Understanding the P’tur from Tashlumin assuming «Mamoncha» as the Sibas Ham’chayev of Nezikin
Recording of Rav Gershon Ribner with Rabbi Kier’s Commentary
A short Shiur on the Machlokesim Rashi and Tosaphos B’Inyan Yichud. (Kiddushin Daf 80b-82a)
Shiur Given to Dachs during their annual Learnathon comparing the Mitzva of ‘Hashem Echad’ to the Mitzva of ‘Lo Yihiyeh Lecha’.
R’ Binyomin Luban gives a Shiur during the Yeshiva’s second annual R’ Dovid Sharfman zt»l Yarchei Kallah (January 13th 2019)
Rabbi Binyomin Luban’s Pilpul Shiur on Tosfos in Kesuvos Daf Lamud Amud Aleph «Hakol Bidei Shamayim» (December 3rd 2018)
Pilpul Shiur given by R’ Yisroel Niman Hoshana Rabbah night (September 29th 2018)
Shiur given by Rabbi Binyomin Luban at the high school Learnathon (February 23rd 2017)