Dear Parents,
One of the pleasures of being a principal is the opportunity to welcome prospective parents to the school and to introduce them to what our Yeshiva has to offer. Parents come to visit for many reasons, including an interest in upgrading their child’s academic standing, perhaps out of frustration with a particular challenging situation their child may currently be facing in another school, and most significantly, to enhance the spiritual standing of their child(ren) and family.
These families are attracted to Toras Emes because we have what they are seeking – TORAH! There are, Baruch Hashem, so many families in our community who are searching for more Torah – they want more Torah learning, they want more Midos Tovos and they want more meaning in their lives. Their greatest wish is to raise children who will embody a healthy balance of passion for Yiddishkeit with Mentschlichkeit and a strong educational foundation to succeed in life.
As we approach the Yom Tov of Shavuos, we would do well to stop and reflect upon this greatest gift that is ever present in our and our family’s lives. We commemorate receiving Hashem’s Torah as an everlasting heritage for our people. Too often we take it all for granted. We need to stop and consider “how fortunate we are, how good is our portion,” that we have the Torah and that we have the wherewithal to hand this most priceless legacy to our most precious treasures – our children.
Let this Shavuos be a time of renewed appreciation for the blessing of being Torah Jews, together with a redoubled commitment to be the best parents and role models we can.
Have a wonderful Shabbos and a rejewvenating Shavuos,
Rabbi Kalman BaumannPrincipal