Dear Parents,

The families of Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes have a common bond of pursuing an education and environment that will elevate and enhance their children’s great spiritual and intellectual growth potential. Our pursuit of excellence in academics, focus on the children’s social and emotional development, and creation of a child-centered fortress of Torah in the midst of a world that is losing its moral compass, is what has attracted many hundreds of families to our Yeshiva.

We have heard from many, many parents, that now is the time to take the next step. We are therefore, undertaking a bold move in order to protect our children’s pure Neshamos and developing brains. Internet use, in its various forms and multitude of devices, is at once a mainstay of our lives, but at the same time is our greatest challenge. Before we realize it, our children become exposed to material and images that can stunt their growth in Torah and Mitzvos, and heavy exposure to even innocent games can do immeasurable damage to their developing brains.

The new Internet Safety Policy that is outlined in detail below is designed to enable our families to uplift themselves spiritually and control the devices that more often than not, seem to control us. We realize the difficulty of uprooting entrenched habits, and at this point are only requiring controls on devices used primarily by our students. Adhering to this policy will bring families together, allow the children to grow and flourish more naturally, and help every member of the household to focus on what is really important in life.

We recognize that change is hard and it is difficult to imagine a reality different from that of today. Educators and mentors of older children, and the teenagers themselves express deep regret that their internet exposure was not decisively curtailed when they were younger. With the passage of years from the inception of the internet and especially the smart phone, intelligent people have grown increasingly alarmed at the many negative by-products of the internet, gaming and social media exposure, especially for children. Overexposure during the Covid pandemic is certainly a further cause for concern.

Let us all join together in the journey to raise the banner of Torah, to ensure our children’s healthy development and take this courageous step. We are available to speak further with anyone who wishes to. We will continue to share insights from experts in the digital world and noted Mechanchim who understand the enormous benefit that lies ahead for those of us who can control the internet and ensure it serves our needs, and not Chas V’Sholom, the reverse.

With best wishes,

Rabbi Binyomin Luban
Rabbi Yisroel Niman
Rabbi Mordechai Palgon

Rabbi Yehuda Bergida
Rabbi Yaakov Dreyfuss
Rabbi Ephraim Palgon
Rabbi Kalman Baumann 
Rabbi Noam Grossman
Mrs. Miriam Deitsch
Mrs. Talia Levine



Effective 2021 – 2022 School Year

Any device with an internet connection poses a great risk to our children. Our students have the right to be protected from influence caused by others’ exposure to internet content and activity. Therefore, the Yeshiva’s policy is:

1) Smartphones may not be owned by our students.* 

2) Each family is required to have at least one consultation each year with the local TAG (Technology Awareness Group) office.

3) Each family is required to install an effective filter/protection on any internet capable device (including cell phones) used by our students without supervision. 

4) Even the most effective filters are not 100% foolproof. Therefore, students are to use computers and devices only in a public area of the home.

Parents must agree to and follow these conditions as a requirement for enrollment in Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes. In addition, parents are strongly encouraged to install effective filters/protection on all of their personal devices.

*The smartphone policy is in effect for the 2021-2022 school year. It will be phased in for Grades 8 and 11 in school year 2022 – 2023, and Grade 12 in school year 2023 – 2024.  During the interim, those students for whom the policy is not yet mandatory, will nevertheless be greatly encouraged  to conform. 

The TAG Office is reachable at 561-614-4686, by e-mail [email protected] or their website: The TAG technicians will guide and assist the parents, enabling them to comply with the requirements.