Effective 2021 – 2022 School Year
Any device with an internet connection poses a great risk to our children. Our students have the right to be protected from influence caused by others’ exposure to internet content and activity. Therefore, the Yeshiva’s policy is:
1) Smartphones may not be owned by our students.*
2) Each family is required to have at least one consultation each year with the local TAG (Technology Awareness Group) office.
3) Each family is required to install an effective filter/protection on any internet capable device (including cell phones) used by our students without supervision.
4) Even the most effective filters are not 100% foolproof. Therefore, students are to use computers and devices only in a public area of the home.
Parents must agree to and follow these conditions as a requirement for enrollment in Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes. In addition, parents are strongly encouraged to install effective filters/protection on all of their personal devices.
*The policy is in effect for the 2021-2022 school year. It will be phased in for Grades 8 and 11 in school year 2022 – 2023, and Grade 12 in school year 2023 – 2024. During the interim, those students for whom the policy is not yet mandatory, will nevertheless be greatly encouraged to conform.